[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Bae Jae-jae, Lee Seung-jae, completed the Roh Moo Hyun Foundation's gifted school, but this..New Male Solidarity Representative Lee Jae-yong condemned the waste of tax
24 August Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Bae Jae-jae, Lee Seung-jae, completed the Roh Moo Hyun Foundation's gifted school, but this..New Male Solidarity Representative Lee Jae-yong condemned the waste of tax
[Монолог] Я закончил Ли Сын Чжэ из средней школы Пэ Чжэ и Фонд Но Му Хёна, но это было малоПредставитель «Новой солидарности мужчин» осуждает Ли Джэ Ён за растрату налогов
「[Exclusive] Bae Jae-jae, Lee Seung-jae, completed the Roh Moo Hyun Foundation's gifted school, but this..New Male Solidarity Representative Lee Jae-yong condemned the waste of tax」
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