[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It was a little after midnight on the 26th that rumors of the couple's breakup, which they thought would continue to make a fuss. 시작은 "솸천곡"이었다. He, who usually recommended various songs for his fans, was famous for promoting his lover Jae-chan's new song throughout. I knew this would happen again, but on the day Jaechan's "Solo" pre-release song was released, Seo Ham was released at the same time instead of my lover's new song
29 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] It was a little after midnight on the 26th that rumors of the couple's breakup, which they thought would continue to make a fuss. 시작은 "솸천곡"이었다. He, who usually recommended various songs for his fans, was famous for promoting his lover Jae-chan's new song throughout. I knew this would happen again, but on the day Jaechan's "Solo" pre-release song was released, Seo Ham was released at the same time instead of my lover's new song
[Срочные новости] Слухи о расставании этой пары, которая думала, что она будет только веселиться в будущем, были чуть позже полуночи 26-го числа. Начало было относительно 솸Чонгока. Он, который обычно рекомендовал различные песни для поклонников, был известен тем, что рекламировал их все время, не забывая о новой песне любовника Джэчана. Я так и думал на этот раз, но в день выхода сольной песни Джэчана, книга была выпущена в одно и то же время вместо новой песни моего возлюбленного.
「[Breaking News] It was a little after midnight on the 26th that rumors of the couple's breakup, which they thought would continue to make a fuss. 시작은 "솸천곡"이었다. He, who usually recommended various songs for his fans, was famous for promoting his lover Jae-chan's new song throughout. I knew this would happen again, but on the day Jaechan's "Solo" pre-release song was released, Seo Ham was released at the same time instead of my lover's new song」