[BREAKING] [Breaking News] U.S. Forces Korea Commander Polacamera is scheduled to dispatch U.S. troops at 23:00 on the 9th...The head of the U.S. Eighth Army's Korean Military Support Group said, "We are planning to send 2,000 people, mainly senior citizens...Let the world know about the robustness of the Korea-U.S. alliance
9 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] U.S. Forces Korea Commander Polacamera is scheduled to dispatch U.S. troops at 23:00 on the 9th...The head of the U.S. Eighth Army's Korean Military Support Group said, "We are planning to send 2,000 people, mainly senior citizens...Let the world know about the robustness of the Korea-U.S. alliance
[Срочные новости] Пол Лакамера, командир USFK, планирует отправить американских военных в 23:00 9-го числа...Глава 8-й армии США, Корейской группы поддержки вооруженных сил "в основном будут отправлены 2000 человек...Сообщить миру о процветании альянса РК-США"