[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 尹 to establish a new type of traitor at the University of Tokyo University... "Applicable for test takers with 30 or less points in Korean history"
26 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] 尹 to establish a new type of traitor at the University of Tokyo University... "Applicable for test takers with 30 or less points in Korean history"
[速報]尹長官、東京大学売国労選考新設··· 「韓国史30点以下の受験生を志願可能」
[速报] 东京大学新设卖国贼典型... "可以报考韩国史30分以下的考生"
[Срочные новости] Новый тип Мэгук Но в Токийском университете... «Можно подать заявку на участие в экзаменах с 30 баллами или меньше по истории Кореи»
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