[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Mr. Kim, a dentist from Kyung Hee University of Medicine, was sentenced to imprisonment for se●ual harassment of a colleague at work and his license was revoked..
29 October Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Mr. Kim, a dentist from Kyung Hee University of Medicine, was sentenced to imprisonment for se●ual harassment of a colleague at work and his license was revoked..
[Монолог] Стоматолог Ким Мо из стоматологического университета Кёнхи был приговорен к лишению свободы за сексуальные домогательства со стороны коллег на работе и лицензия была отменена.
「[Exclusive] Mr. Kim, a dentist from Kyung Hee University of Medicine, was sentenced to imprisonment for se●ual harassment of a colleague at work and his license was revoked..」