[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Yu Jin-hwa's husband was found out amid a sudden pregnancy and his name was "Han Ji-seok" who said he had a crush on her during the sports day...
8 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Yu Jin-hwa's husband was found out amid a sudden pregnancy and his name was "Han Ji-seok" who said he had a crush on her during the sports day...
[Срочные новости] Ю Джин Хва, который был шумным из-за внезапной беременности, сказал, что он влюбился в него во время спортивного соревнования, когда его муж был обнаружен.
「[Breaking news] Yu Jin-hwa's husband was found out amid a sudden pregnancy and his name was "Han Ji-seok" who said he had a crush on her during the sports day...」
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