[BREAKING] [Exclusive] "Batting ball pitcher Jo Boo-kyum" joined LG TWINS bullpen pitcher, and manager Yeom Kyung-yeop took a breather by filling the vacancies of Lee Jung-yong and Jin Hae-soo.
19 December Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] "Batting ball pitcher Jo Boo-kyum" joined LG TWINS bullpen pitcher, and manager Yeom Kyung-yeop took a breather by filling the vacancies of Lee Jung-yong and Jin Hae-soo.
[Только] «Джо Бу Гём, питчер Баттинг Боул» присоединился к питчеру LG TWINS Бульпен, Ли Чон Ён и Джин Хэ Су, заполнив пустые места, режиссер Ём Кён Ёп вздохнул.
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