[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Flu virus mutates strongly into frty. This variant has a fever, but it doesn't sweat like heatstroke. Cough, phlegm, and if it's severe, it's tuberculosis. 250 people have tested positive. Stronger than infectious COVID-19. No vaccine
6 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Flu virus mutates strongly into frty. This variant has a fever, but it doesn't sweat like heatstroke. Cough, phlegm, and if it's severe, it's tuberculosis. 250 people have tested positive. Stronger than infectious COVID-19. No vaccine
[Срочные новости] Вирус гриппа сильно мутирует от frty, но если кашля без пота, как тепловой удар, сильный кашель и мокрота, то сейчас 250 человек положительно относятся к туберкулезу, и вакцины сильнее, чем инфекционная корона