[BREAKING] [Exclusive] This letter was the first in England to give the recipient good luck around the year, and now it's taken to you, and it has to leave you in four days. You must send seven copies, including this letter, to anyone who needs luck. You can make a copy. You might say it's a superstition, but it's true. In England, a man named HGXWCH received this letter in 1930
12 January Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] This letter was the first in England to give the recipient good luck around the year, and now it's taken to you, and it has to leave you in four days. You must send seven copies, including this letter, to anyone who needs luck. You can make a copy. You might say it's a superstition, but it's true. In England, a man named HGXWCH received this letter in 1930
Это письмо, которое началось в Великобритании впервые и дало удачу получателю во время одного круга в год, и теперь это письмо, которое было передано вам, должно покинуть вас в течение четырех дней. Включая это письмо, вы должны отправить 7 экземпляров нуждающимся в удаче людям. Можно сделать копию. Можно сказать, что это суеверие, но это Правда. Человек по имени HGXWC в Великобритании получил это письмо в 1930 году.
「[Exclusive] This letter was the first in England to give the recipient good luck around the year, and now it's taken to you, and it has to leave you in four days. You must send seven copies, including this letter, to anyone who needs luck. You can make a copy. You might say it's a superstition, but it's true. In England, a man named HGXWCH received this letter in 1930」