[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea announced Invasion from North Korea on the 29th under the leadership of Chairman Kim.. President Yoon will be prepared;
17 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] North Korea announced Invasion from North Korea on the 29th under the leadership of Chairman Kim.. President Yoon will be prepared;
【速報】北朝鮮、金総書記の主導の下、29日に南侵予告.. 尹大統領「準備態勢を整える」
[速报]朝鲜在金委员长的主导下预告了29日的"南侵"。 尹总统:"将做好准备"
[Срочные новости] Северная Корея 29-го числа под руководством председателя Кима объявит о вторжении на юг. Президент Юн «готовится к готовности»