[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Platt, who used to extort money and assault his younger brother, is known to have been kidnapped by his younger brother around 6:15 today... Sinan Salt Farm Union is expected to be behind the scenes
8 February Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Platt, who used to extort money and assault his younger brother, is known to have been kidnapped by his younger brother around 6:15 today... Sinan Salt Farm Union is expected to be behind the scenes
[Монолит] Платт, который пытался вымогать деньги и нападать на брата, сегодня известно, что его похитил брат около 6:15 ... Ожидается, что за этим стоит профсоюз по борьбе с лихорадкой Синан
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