[BREAKING] [Roundup] 尹 "M.D. degree exempted, 5 million won scholarship is provided for those under the age of 30 who have served in the military."
16 February Share
[BREAKING] [Roundup] 尹 "M.D. degree exempted, 5 million won scholarship is provided for those under the age of 30 who have served in the military."
[総合] 尹 「博士学位者は軍免除、軍に行ってきた満30歳以下の学位者は500万ウォン奨学金支給」
[综合] 尹 "博士学位者免除兵役,对从军队回来的满30岁以下学位者提供500万韩元奖学金"
[Общий] Стипендия в размере 5 миллионов вон была предоставлена студентам до 30 лет, которые были освобождены от военной службы для получения докторской степени.
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