[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President 尹 said, "Move between provinces, will be eliminated ex officio," and there are concerns about resistance from the medical community
21 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] President 尹 said, "Move between provinces, will be eliminated ex officio," and there are concerns about resistance from the medical community
[速报] 尹 总统"将利用职权废除岛间移动",担心引起医疗界的反对
[Ускорение] Президент 尹 "межрегиональное движение, устраним его своими полномочиями", опасаясь неблагоприятной реакции со стороны медицинского сообщества.
「[Breaking News] President 尹 said, "Move between provinces, will be eliminated ex officio," and there are concerns about resistance from the medical community」
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