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[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Daegu Metropolitan City... A student blew up a computer while touching it

5 March Share

[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Daegu Metropolitan City... A student blew up a computer while touching it

[単独] 炎が燃え上がった大邱広域市··· ある学生がパソコンを触る、爆破

[单独] 熊熊燃烧的大邱广域市... 一名学生接触电脑后爆炸

[Один] Столичный город Тэгу, который взлетел до огня... Взрыв при прикосновении к студенческому комбайну.

[단독] 불길 치솟은 대구 광역시... 한 학생 컴뷰터 만지다 폭파 [More News]

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「샌즈의 전술입니다.」

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[1] 너 낚임 된거야 5 March

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