[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Breaking news] Buy it in Teungchi-dong now! Buy it! A " mouse " was discovered in Daiso. However, soldiers are investigating that they are infected with radiation, so don't worry about Korean beef. Radioactive substances are spreading in Daegu, and the earth is destroyed
31 March Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] [Breaking news] Buy it in Teungchi-dong now! Buy it! A " mouse " was discovered in Daiso. However, soldiers are investigating that they are infected with radiation, so don't worry about Korean beef. Radioactive substances are spreading in Daegu, and the earth is destroyed
[Быстрое известие] «Сейчас исчезну в Тхынчи-донге»! Сара! Найдена крыса " в Тайсо, но солдаты расследуют, что они заражены радиацией, поэтому вы успокоились, потому что радиоактивные вещества распространились по Тэгу и земля погибла.