[BREAKING] [Breaking News] A surprise Invasion from North Korea over the DMZ at 13:01 North Korean military. Some divisions in Gangwon-do are engaged. Declaring martial law and reservist mobilization across the country.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] A surprise Invasion from North Korea over the DMZ at 13:01 North Korean military. Some divisions in Gangwon-do are engaged. Declaring martial law and reservist mobilization across the country.
[Быстрое сообщение] В 13:01 внезапное вторжение на юг через северокорейскую демилитаризованную зону. Воюющие части дивизии в Канвондо. Объявлено военное положение и мобилизация резервных сил по всей стране.
「[Breaking News] A surprise Invasion from North Korea over the DMZ at 13:01 North Korean military. Some divisions in Gangwon-do are engaged. Declaring martial law and reservist mobilization across the country.」
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