[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee Kyo-bin, "I will pass on the pronunciation correction know-how accumulated over the past seven years, and I look forward to the ‥ of establishing a pronunciation correction academy."
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lee Kyo-bin, "I will pass on the pronunciation correction know-how accumulated over the past seven years, and I look forward to the ‥ of establishing a pronunciation correction academy."
[Быстрое известие] Ли Гёбин: «Я передам вам ноу-хау по коррекции произношения, накопленное за 7 лет, и создам специализированную академию по коррекции произношения ‥»
「[Breaking News] Lee Kyo-bin, "I will pass on the pronunciation correction know-how accumulated over the past seven years, and I look forward to the ‥ of establishing a pronunciation correction academy."」
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