[BREAKING] [Breaking news] YEONHO watched a baseball video and went out to eat 10 minutes of sweet and sour pork. He ordered 10 bowls of black bean noodles and slurped the noodles
27 June Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] YEONHO watched a baseball video and went out to eat 10 minutes of sweet and sour pork. He ordered 10 bowls of black bean noodles and slurped the noodles
[Быстрое известие] Когда Ёнхо бродил, посмотрел видео с бейсболом, и внезапно вышел из дома, съел 10 минут кисло-сладкой свинины, сразу заказал 10 штук с вареным чжачжанмён, а затем вышел без расчета и обсуждения.