[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Martial Law Commander Announces Martial Law No. 2 and No. 3 "All the top members of the Democratic Party are detained until approved by the President after arrest." "Presidential Decree is on par with the law." The Democratic Party will file a constitutional petition."
3 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Martial Law Commander Announces Martial Law No. 2 and No. 3 "All the top members of the Democratic Party are detained until approved by the President after arrest." "Presidential Decree is on par with the law." The Democratic Party will file a constitutional petition."
[Спокойствие] Военный ордер, объявление военного положения №2, заявление №3 "Задержание под стражей до утверждения президента после ареста всех членов Верховного совета Демократической партии", "Декрет президента имеет статус закона", "Демократическая партия собирается подать конституционную жалобу".
「[Breaking News] Martial Law Commander Announces Martial Law No. 2 and No. 3 "All the top members of the Democratic Party are detained until approved by the President after arrest." "Presidential Decree is on par with the law." The Democratic Party will file a constitutional petition."」