[BREAKING] [Breaking News] TBSK Manager Kim Do-woon is absent from the pool due to the aftermath of the company dinner. to lose the lead in the intermediate class
24 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] TBSK Manager Kim Do-woon is absent from the pool due to the aftermath of the company dinner. to lose the lead in the intermediate class
【速報】TBS、キム·ドウン課長、会食の影響によるプール欠席。 中級クラストップの座を奪われる
[速报] TBSK 金度云科长,因聚餐余波缺席游泳馆 中级班的领先地位被抢走
[Быстрое уведомление] Директор TBSK Ким До Ун, отсутствие в бассейне из-за обеда. Лишение лидирующего места в среднем классе
「[Breaking News] TBSK Manager Kim Do-woon is absent from the pool due to the aftermath of the company dinner. to lose the lead in the intermediate class」