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[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Former German Chancellor "The tragedy of the National Socialist German Workers' Party is likely to recur in South Korea."" remarks

27 July Share

[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Former German Chancellor "The tragedy of the National Socialist German Workers' Party is likely to recur in South Korea."" remarks

【単独】ドイツ元首相「国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党の悲劇、韓国で再発しそうだ」" 発言

(德国之声中文网)德国前总理:"国家社会主义德国工人党的悲剧可能会在韩国重演。"" 发言

[Одинокий] Бывший канцлер Германии: "Трагедия национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии, скорее всего, повторится в Корее." Комментарий

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「[Exclusive] Former German Chancellor "The tragedy of the National Socialist German Workers' Party is likely to recur in South Korea."" remarks」

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