[BREAKING] [Breaking News] I was going to play a game with Lee's friend in Incheon, Jeong, Hong, but I broke my promise with my friend and went out with Kim Na-mo..
28 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] I was going to play a game with Lee's friend in Incheon, Jeong, Hong, but I broke my promise with my friend and went out with Kim Na-mo..
[Быстрое известие] Я пытался играть в игру с другом господина Ли Инчхона, господином Чон Мо, но нарушил обещание с другом и пошел играть с господином Ким Намо.
「[Breaking News] I was going to play a game with Lee's friend in Incheon, Jeong, Hong, but I broke my promise with my friend and went out with Kim Na-mo..」
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