[BREAKING] [Breaking news] I'm so into Song Jjangkae Lao woman that I want to quit. I'm thinking of passing the accident on to Presha because she has to drink coffee
29 July Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] I'm so into Song Jjangkae Lao woman that I want to quit. I'm thinking of passing the accident on to Presha because she has to drink coffee
[Быстрое известие] Сон Чханг Мин влюбилась в лаосскую женщину и попросила уйти на пенсию, так как ей нужно выпить кофе, предчувствие, что она будет думать и разбираться с Прешей.
「[Breaking news] I'm so into Song Jjangkae Lao woman that I want to quit. I'm thinking of passing the accident on to Presha because she has to drink coffee」
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