[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] The minimum wage for bus drivers will be reduced due to the establishment of express buses for the 4th Industrial " in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
23 August Share
[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] The minimum wage for bus drivers will be reduced due to the establishment of express buses for the 4th Industrial " in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
[総合] 京畿道城南市の"第4次産業"急行バスの新設によるバス運転手の最低賃金で給与を削減する予定
[综合]京畿城南市 " 第四产业 " 随着新设快速公交,公交车司机将减少最低工资的工资
[Комплекс] Город Соннам, Кёнгидо " 4 промышленный экспресс-автобус, будет сокращен до минимальной заработной платы водителя автобуса