[BREAKING] [Breaking News] With this, the Animal Medical Center loses its initial commitment and raises the cost of removing anthelmintic by 200%. I thought it was Seongbuk-gu
23 August Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] With this, the Animal Medical Center loses its initial commitment and raises the cost of removing anthelmintic by 200%. I thought it was Seongbuk-gu
【速報】イロ動物医療センター、初心を失って眼虫除去費用200%上げて。 城北区の縄
[速报]因此动物医疗中心失去初衷,提高200%的眼虫清除费用。 还以为是城北区人呢
[Ускорение] Медицинский центр животных, потеряв первоначальный уровень, увеличил стоимость удаления ангины на 200%. Линия Сонбук-гу
「[Breaking News] With this, the Animal Medical Center loses its initial commitment and raises the cost of removing anthelmintic by 200%. I thought it was Seongbuk-gu」