[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Gwangnam High School's top math student, Lee Dongwook...Staying in a household of unmanned ice cream for about 3 hours... Shocking
20 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Gwangnam High School's top math student, Lee Dongwook...Staying in a household of unmanned ice cream for about 3 hours... Shocking
[速報] 光南高校、数学全校1位のイ·ドンウク···無人アイン·クリーム店に3時間ほど滞在…衝撃
[速报] 光南高中数学全校第一 李栋旭...无人冰淇淋店停留3小时左右,令人震惊
[Быстрое известие] Ли Дон Ук, занявший 1-е место во всей школе Кваннам по математике...Оставайтесь в доме без присмотра около 3 часов... Шок.
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