[BREAKING] [Breaking News] 10 million people were killed, 1.23 million injured, and 780,000 were missing due to the collapse of the stage of Jung-eun's case
25 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] 10 million people were killed, 1.23 million injured, and 780,000 were missing due to the collapse of the stage of Jung-eun's case
[快讯] 郑恩伊事件舞台负责人因倒塌导致1000万人死亡123万人受伤78万人失踪而引发争议。
[Быстрое известие] Спор возник из-за того, что сцена инцидента Чон Ын рухнула, 10 миллионов человек погибли, 1,32 миллиона получили ранения, 780 тысяч пропали без вести.