[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Ilbe User Kim ", who developed the buzzword "I love Hanyeo so much, Igi," will be awarded the Order of Cultural Merit to President Lee Joon-seok, the " of the Minjoo Engagement.
26 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Ilbe User Kim ", who developed the buzzword "I love Hanyeo so much, Igi," will be awarded the Order of Cultural Merit to President Lee Joon-seok, the " of the Minjoo Engagement.
[Срочное сообщение] Пользователь Ilbe, который разработал модное слово «Одна женщина, я люблю тебя», " Ким Минджу, жених-мужчина ", будет награжден орденом Культуры президентом Ли Джун Соком.