[BREAKING] [Breaking News] COVID-19 has a whopping 85% fatality rate. And the probability of a person getting sick in the past has soared to 95% Is this the end of humanity...
28 September Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] COVID-19 has a whopping 85% fatality rate. And the probability of a person getting sick in the past has soared to 95% Is this the end of humanity...
[Ускорение] Коэффициент смертности от коронавируса достиг 85%, а вероятность повторного заболевания у людей, которые были в прошлом, резко возросла до 95%. Неужели человечество остановилось на этом?..
「[Breaking News] COVID-19 has a whopping 85% fatality rate. And the probability of a person getting sick in the past has soared to 95% Is this the end of humanity...」
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