[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lieutenant Colonel Lee Seung-hoo was appointed as Minister of Defense. The Han Seung-hoe administration's drastic personnel appointment signal.
8 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Lieutenant Colonel Lee Seung-hoo was appointed as Minister of Defense. The Han Seung-hoe administration's drastic personnel appointment signal.
【速報】国防部長官に李承厚中佐内定。 韓昇會(ハン·スンフェ)政権の破格人事の信号弾。
李承厚中校被内定为国防部长官。 韩胜会政权破格人事调整的信号弹。
[Раскрытие] Назначение на пост министра обороны подполковника Ли Сын Ху. Нетрадиционный сигнал приветствия администрации Хан Сын Хи.
「[Breaking News] Lieutenant Colonel Lee Seung-hoo was appointed as Minister of Defense. The Han Seung-hoe administration's drastic personnel appointment signal.」