[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Gunpo City Principal Bugok Joongang Middle School was arrested for se●ual violence and extortion of money and goods... Temporary closure of Bugok Central School
15 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Gunpo City Principal Bugok Joongang Middle School was arrested for se●ual violence and extortion of money and goods... Temporary closure of Bugok Central School
【速報】軍浦市、釜谷中央中学校校長への性的暴行と金品恐喝で拘束··· 釜谷中央中臨時休校
[速报]军浦市釜谷中央中学校长因性暴力及敲诈钱财被拘留... 釜谷中央中学临时停课
[Быстрое уведомление] Директор центрального района Бугок города Кунпхо арестован за сексуальное насилие и вымогательство денег... Временный перерыв в центре Бугока