[BREAKING] [Breaking news] How did you feel about yesterday's FIFA match with Muljun? "When Muljun plays his individual skills, he claps in his seat because he feels the joy of the game... A great deal of praise... "
21 October Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] How did you feel about yesterday's FIFA match with Muljun? "When Muljun plays his individual skills, he claps in his seat because he feels the joy of the game... A great deal of praise... "
[Быстрое известие] Вчерашние впечатления от матча чемпиона с Малджуном: "Когда Малджун играет в личные навыки, раздаются аплодисменты с места, где он сидит... Потрясающая похвала... "
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