[BREAKING] [Roundup] Comedian Lee Kuk-joo announced a surprise wedding on the 22nd, and after five years of dating with Lee O-yeop, a government official in Ganghwa-gun, it was like a wedding
22 October Share
[BREAKING] [Roundup] Comedian Lee Kuk-joo announced a surprise wedding on the 22nd, and after five years of dating with Lee O-yeop, a government official in Ganghwa-gun, it was like a wedding
[Всеобъемлющее] Комедиантка Ли Чок Джу объявила о своей неожиданной свадьбе 22-го числа, официальный представитель округа Канхва Ли О Ёп, после 5 лет знакомства, свадьба закончилась.
「[Roundup] Comedian Lee Kuk-joo announced a surprise wedding on the 22nd, and after five years of dating with Lee O-yeop, a government official in Ganghwa-gun, it was like a wedding」