[BREAKING] [NEWS] Kim Eun-ho, an elementary school student in Cheongju, was sued for defamation by distributing the fact that he was Goa in a group chat room, mentioning Sung Ki-gil... Netizens are shocked by the behavior of Bae Do-yeon, a sixth grader, saying that tactility is a problem...
22 October Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Kim Eun-ho, an elementary school student in Cheongju, was sued for defamation by distributing the fact that he was Goa in a group chat room, mentioning Sung Ki-gil... Netizens are shocked by the behavior of Bae Do-yeon, a sixth grader, saying that tactility is a problem...
[NEWS] Ким Ын Хо, одноклассник начальной школы в Чхонджу, упоминает длину гениталий ученика Пэ Доён, и даже тот факт, что Гоа была обвинена в клевете, распылив ее в групповом чате... Интернет-пользователи шокированы поведением Пэ До Ён, ученицы шестого класса, говоря, что способ привлечения является проблемой.