[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [SBS] Ahn Ki-jung from Daesung High School forgives all the friends who cursed their parents to him... Daesung High School Class 1-5 revealed "thank you"...
26 December Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] [SBS] Ahn Ki-jung from Daesung High School forgives all the friends who cursed their parents to him... Daesung High School Class 1-5 revealed "thank you"...
[Быстрое сообщение] [SBS] Ан Ки Чжун, бывший студент средней школы Дэсун, прости всех друзей, которые ругали его родителей ... Средняя школа Тэсунг с 1-5 классами «Спасибо» говорит...
「[Breaking News] [SBS] Ahn Ki-jung from Daesung High School forgives all the friends who cursed their parents to him... Daesung High School Class 1-5 revealed "thank you"...」