[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The ruling party, the government and the government reviewed the 31st holiday, and it was canceled due to Lee's opposition. I'm afraid that Lee will be blamed...
11 January Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The ruling party, the government and the government reviewed the 31st holiday, and it was canceled due to Lee's opposition. I'm afraid that Lee will be blamed...
[速報]政府与党、31日の連休検討、李氏の反発で霧散。 イさんに非難の矛先が向けられるか心配···
[速报]党政讨论31日连休,因李某的反对而告吹。 担心指责的矛头指向李某...
[Внезапное сообщение] Правящая партия, пересмотр праздников 31-го числа, провал из-за противодействия Ли. Я боюсь, что на мою тету придет стрела осуждения...
「[Breaking News] The ruling party, the government and the government reviewed the 31st holiday, and it was canceled due to Lee's opposition. I'm afraid that Lee will be blamed...」