[BREAKING] [Exclusive] HKN's new head of society, "Prohibits reporting on bribery " by President "'s relatives"...a collective statement issued by journalists from the Ministry of Social Affairs
1 March Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] HKN's new head of society, "Prohibits reporting on bribery " by President "'s relatives"...a collective statement issued by journalists from the Ministry of Social Affairs
[Одинокий] Новый глава социальной службы HKN заявил, что "" запрет на освещение событий, связанных с подкупом родственников президента...Журналисты Министерства социальных дел сделали коллективное заявление
「[Exclusive] HKN's new head of society, "Prohibits reporting on bribery " by President "'s relatives"...a collective statement issued by journalists from the Ministry of Social Affairs」