[BREAKING] [NEWS] Lee Eun-ho (27 years old), a courageous young man who caught and reported a robbery at a convenience store in Seoul after a scuffle. "The XX hit the convenience store and didn't apologize, so I tried to hold it in, but it turned out to be a robbery XX, which made me even angrier."
4 October Share
[BREAKING] [NEWS] Lee Eun-ho (27 years old), a courageous young man who caught and reported a robbery at a convenience store in Seoul after a scuffle. "The XX hit the convenience store and didn't apologize, so I tried to hold it in, but it turned out to be a robbery XX, which made me even angrier."
[NEWS]Сотряженный молодой Ли, 27 лет, пойманный после бурной борьбы, в одном из магазинов города. «Тор ХХ попал в магазин, и я за что получил извинение, но, как оказалось, я ещё больше пострадал, но..."