[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Article 3, Paragraph 5 of the National Living Protection Act has been revised so that mobile phones can never be used while walking or driving. If you violate this, you will automatically airify the device you are using along with a fine of 100,000 won and permanently suspend the reopening.
5 November Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Article 3, Paragraph 5 of the National Living Protection Act has been revised so that mobile phones can never be used while walking or driving. If you violate this, you will automatically airify the device you are using along with a fine of 100,000 won and permanently suspend the reopening.
Статья 3 статьи 5 Закона о защите национальной жизни была изменена, так что при использовании мобильного телефона нельзя использовать во время пешеходной или вождения. Если вы нарушаете это, вы автоматически закроете устройство, которое вы используете, с штрафом в 100 000 вон, и мы будем постоянно останавливать возобновление работы.
「[Breaking News] Article 3, Paragraph 5 of the National Living Protection Act has been revised so that mobile phones can never be used while walking or driving. If you violate this, you will automatically airify the device you are using along with a fine of 100,000 won and permanently suspend the reopening.」