[BREAKING] [a trot] The Roh Moo-hyun is alive The agency`s unauthorized access to the basement eomjeonghwan a (15) says one round at the scene of the prison but says five years older.
10 December Share
[BREAKING] [a trot] The Roh Moo-hyun is alive The agency`s unauthorized access to the basement eomjeonghwan a (15) says one round at the scene of the prison but says five years older.
"Но Мухён жив 살아 Арестован на месте, где один человек, кроме 15 человек, нелегально проник в подполье Национальной службы безопасности, «Пятилетний тюремный срок».
「[a trot] The Roh Moo-hyun is alive The agency`s unauthorized access to the basement eomjeonghwan a (15) says one round at the scene of the prison but says five years older.」
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