[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Shaman K, L will complain of pain from tomorrow morning. I don't expect her to go to school, but her eldest granddaughter, K, was forcibly dressed and was punched in the stomach.
19 December Share
[BREAKING] [Exclusive] Shaman K, L will complain of pain from tomorrow morning. I don't expect her to go to school, but her eldest granddaughter, K, was forcibly dressed and was punched in the stomach.
[Только] Мудан К, завтра утром L (82) подает жалобу на боль. Я ожидаю, что я не пойду в школу, но большая внучка К насильно одевалась и была застрелена кулаком.
「[Exclusive] Shaman K, L will complain of pain from tomorrow morning. I don't expect her to go to school, but her eldest granddaughter, K, was forcibly dressed and was punched in the stomach.」
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