[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The first 15-year-old Kim living in Jinhae-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, was infected at 18:02 p.m. yesterday evening, and the symptoms of the infected turned green and tend to rush to people, but his family amputated the infected person's neck with a calm confrontation. The person who cut the cutting was his sister, and fortunately, there are no more zombie infected people, assuming that he had a grudge against him.
22 February Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] The first 15-year-old Kim living in Jinhae-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, was infected at 18:02 p.m. yesterday evening, and the symptoms of the infected turned green and tend to rush to people, but his family amputated the infected person's neck with a calm confrontation. The person who cut the cutting was his sister, and fortunately, there are no more zombie infected people, assuming that he had a grudge against him.
Первый инфицированный вирус зомби 15-летнего Киммо, проживающего в районе Чинхэ-гу, провинции Кёнсан-Намдо, был заражен вчера вечером в 18:2, симптомы инфицированных превращаются в зелёные, и его семья спокойно разрезала шею инфицированного. Я предполагаю, что его сестра была его сестрой, и к счастью, у него больше нет зомби-инфекции.