[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Moon Jae In Proposal to make it mandatory to track men's location before retirement. Collaboration with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
1 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking news] Moon Jae In Proposal to make it mandatory to track men's location before retirement. Collaboration with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
【速報】文在寅退任前、男性位置追跡義務化発議。 女性家族部連携
[快讯]文在寅卸任前提议义务性地追踪男性位置。 妇女家庭部联系。
Предложение обязательного отслеживания положения мужчин перед уходом в отставку. Связь между Министерством по делам женщин и семьи.