[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Moon Kyu-bin (16), who was hospitalized last year after being eliminated due to back pain, is being criticized by fans for exposing hair and nipples in the center while taking a shower body cam at a hospital on YouTube.Currently, the video was serious enough to have a 19-year-old on YouTube.Surprised by this, Moon Kyu-bin attended the base meeting with coach Kim Hyung-joon at 12:30 a.m. on April 25 to explain.
24 April Share
[BREAKING] [Breaking News] Moon Kyu-bin (16), who was hospitalized last year after being eliminated due to back pain, is being criticized by fans for exposing hair and nipples in the center while taking a shower body cam at a hospital on YouTube.Currently, the video was serious enough to have a 19-year-old on YouTube.Surprised by this, Moon Kyu-bin attended the base meeting with coach Kim Hyung-joon at 12:30 a.m. on April 25 to explain.
В прошлом году 16-летний игрок, который был госпитализирован из-за боли в спине, подвергается критике со стороны фанатов за воздействие меха и сосков на центральную часть тела на YouTube.В настоящее время видео было настолько серьезным, что на YouTube было написано 19 долларов.Удивленный этим, 25 апреля в 12:30 утра тренер Ким Хёнцзюнь, присутствовал на пресс-конференции и объяснил это.
「[Breaking News] Moon Kyu-bin (16), who was hospitalized last year after being eliminated due to back pain, is being criticized by fans for exposing hair and nipples in the center while taking a shower body cam at a hospital on YouTube.Currently, the video was serious enough to have a 19-year-old on YouTube.Surprised by this, Moon Kyu-bin attended the base meeting with coach Kim Hyung-joon at 12:30 a.m. on April 25 to explain.」