[BREAKING] The first casualties in the current Cheong Wa Dae bunker, damage from massive riots, will soon affect Incheon Airport 이제There is no safe place now"
25 June Share
[BREAKING] The first casualties in the current Cheong Wa Dae bunker, damage from massive riots, will soon affect Incheon Airport 이제There is no safe place now"
В результате первой жертвы в бункере Чонг Ва Дэ и ущерба от массовых беспорядков, скоро будет затронуто аэропорт Инчхона 이제Сейчас нет безопасного места."
「The first casualties in the current Cheong Wa Dae bunker, damage from massive riots, will soon affect Incheon Airport 이제There is no safe place now"」