[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] Sejong has confirmed the abolition of the gifted school in Incheon... &"The reason is that the head of private education and the low performance of college entrance examination."
24 September Share
[BREAKING] [Comprehensive] Sejong has confirmed the abolition of the gifted school in Incheon... &"The reason is that the head of private education and the low performance of college entrance examination."
[総合]世宗、仁川所在の英才高校廃止確定… &"私教育の助長と低い進学実績がその理由"
[综合] 世宗,仁川英才高中确定废除... ◆ "私教育组长和低升学业绩是其原因"
[Общее] Седжон подтвердил ликвидацию средней школы Ёнджэ в Инчхоне... Причина, по которой "помощь в частном образовании и низкие показатели вступления в университет"