[BREAKING] [Roundup] Hwang Joo-ho, president of KHNP Co., Ltd., "The office workers' party is over, keeping in line with the government by maintaining essential manpower"
12 January Share
[BREAKING] [Roundup] Hwang Joo-ho, president of KHNP Co., Ltd., "The office workers' party is over, keeping in line with the government by maintaining essential manpower"
[Общий] Хван Джу Хо, президент Хан Сувон, сказал: "После вечеринки в офисе, мы идем в ногу с правительством, поддерживая необходимые человеческие ресурсы"
「[Roundup] Hwang Joo-ho, president of KHNP Co., Ltd., "The office workers' party is over, keeping in line with the government by maintaining essential manpower"」